Insurance companies that require low down payments to obtain car insurance usually shift insurance costs around to make up for the low down payment. Customers who are in desperate need of cheap auto insurance may think that making an initial low payment is ideal but they find out quickly that the monthly payments are quite high. A low deductible does not mean cheaper insurance. A lower deductible means that you may not have to pay as much upfront, but the cost of your premium will be a lot higher because the insurance company has to pay more if you are in an accident. It may be in the best interest of a cash strapped driver to save up to obtain car insurance to avoid having to pay high monthly payments that may not be affordable.
Another important fact to remember when purchasing auto insurance is that cheap is not always best. Having a reputable auto insurance company provides reassurance that your concerns will be handled in a professional manner. Most large well known auto insurance companies have customer service professionals and claim advisors to assist with a variety of insurance related concerns. These necessities may seem like perks when it comes to a cheap auto insurance company. Many motorists have horror stories of not being able to get in touch with their insurance companies when they have been in an accident or want information on the payout of a claim. These types of actions by insurance companies are unscrupulous, but unfortunately there are people who have purchased cheap auto insurance and in return have received sub-par service. This is sometimes the drawback to purchasing cheap auto insurance.
Ultimately, everyone is looking for the most affordable auto insurance rates. However, no one wants to compromise quality for a cheap rate. It is imperative that consumers do extensive research on auto insurance companies which offer cheap insurance in order to ensure they receive a good price and good service.